Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Find Bankruptcy Lawyers, Business Attorneys and Foreclosure Attoreneys List

A Few Tips to Avoid Bankruptcy and Foreclosure: Defend Yourself Against Foreclosure and Bankruptcy

1. Collect an itemized list of all assets that could be sold to avoid foreclosure and bankruptcy

2. Find out if you qualify for government assistance

3. If you are a military personnel or disaster area victim, you are eligible for special government loans to avoid foreclosure and potential bankruptcy

4. Find out what is in it for you in the new Housing Bill just signed by President Bush into law

5. Do Not Buy What You Can Not Afford

6. Stop Using your credit cards: If you can not pay cash for it, then you do not need this new handbag, iphone or designer clothing.

7. Find yourself a good business attorney to help you run your business or manage or maintain your assets.

8. Tighten your belt and make wise business and personal life, financial decisions. Invest in your education for a new career or line of work

Get more foreclosure info at WalkAway Foreclosure Counseling

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